Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tutorial opines

In my opinion, only me, Irvan and Mr. Ono W. Purbo was doing presentations with little live demos. The rest... was really boring. I was not able to concentrate and do my live hacking demos very well since I only have less then 20 minutes to do all (presentation and demos). The event coordinator was already "alarmed" me to end my presentation before it was actually ended. I really had to skip most of my presentation and jump to the live hacking demos. From three demos that I have planned, only two demos was successfully running smoothly. I realized after I had finished my demos, that I made a very simple mistake. I just forgot to turn on the LON-DC1 virtual machine as the default domain controller for the client computer LON-CL1 virtual machine which I used for my first demo. It didn't go well since the NTLM Hijacking via SMB Relay pre-req is to have a domain wide authentication to run successfully. There was no demo from Th0r (Anselmus Richky). Actually I was expecting him to show some interesting Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross Site Request Forgery (XSRF) live demos but unfortunately, he was not able to show these demos. But... I was really surprise that he is a very smart young guy who likes to expore more and more. Irvan did a simple but effective demo. It was about "Defeating Fake Exploits". Bravo Irvan, keep the good work. Mr. Ono W. Purbo was really a joker. He was able to show some tips and tricks on Wireless Hacking (although most of us already quite familiar with it). Interesting and fresh jokes. Here are the live hacking demos I have shown:

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